hii thanks for stopping by


I am a creative, a graphic designer, event planner, and lover of all things home decor.

My background is in marketing and event management, where along the way, I developed a passion for graphic design and event marketing.  I graduated from the University of Florida in 2014 with a degree in Event Management - unabridged: "Bachelor of Science in Recreation, Parks and Tourism with a Specialty in Event Management" and a minor in Business Administration.

Check out my portfolio to see some of my work.

About Chelsea Monk


I was born and raised in England until I was twelve, when my parents took a crazy chance and moved to Sunny Florida.

I now reside in Arlington, Virginia with my wonderful Husband Mike with our fantastic fur babies Kite, and Dover!!

I have always been a creative soul and like to think of new and different ways to do and make things

As a lover of strong coffee and craft beer, I will never turn down a drink of either, cheers! 

I'm obsessed with music, and think there's nothing better than seeing a live performance.  I'm constantly on the lookout for new artists to add to my collection!

Follow me on spotify to see what I'm listening to!

favorite jams.png
Desk Magic.jpg

Perfectionism, procrastination and sarcasm run through my body.

Details fascinate me and I'm a major organization freak.

I'm really great at self deprecation and binge watching TV shows.

I love to travel and to trail off the beaten path.

I have an irrational fear of balloons and hate silence and loud noises.

Thrifting and the thrill of finding a great deal are some of my favorite things, as well as cooking and experimenting in the kitchen!

It's so great to meet you! 

xoxo Chelsea